temper - definition. What is temper
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ترجمة وتحليل الكلمات عن طريق الذكاء الاصطناعي ChatGPT

في هذه الصفحة يمكنك الحصول على تحليل مفصل لكلمة أو عبارة باستخدام أفضل تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي المتوفرة اليوم:

  • كيف يتم استخدام الكلمة في اللغة
  • تردد الكلمة
  • ما إذا كانت الكلمة تستخدم في كثير من الأحيان في اللغة المنطوقة أو المكتوبة
  • خيارات الترجمة إلى الروسية أو الإسبانية، على التوالي
  • أمثلة على استخدام الكلمة (عدة عبارات مع الترجمة)
  • أصل الكلمة

%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Tempered; Temper (disambiguation); Tempering; Tempering (disambiguation); Temper (song)

·noun Middle state or course; mean; medium.
II. Temper ·vt To Govern; to Manage.
III. Temper ·vt To bring to a proper degree of hardness; as, to temper iron or steel.
IV. Temper ·noun Calmness of mind; moderation; equanimity; composure; as, to keep one's temper.
V. Temper ·vi To have or get a proper or desired state or quality; to grow soft and pliable.
VI. Temper ·noun Heat of mind or passion; irritation; proneness to anger;
- in a reproachful sense.
VII. Temper ·vt To adjust, as the mathematical scale to the actual scale, or to that in actual use.
VIII. Temper ·noun Milk of lime, or other substance, employed in the process formerly used to clarify sugar.
IX. Temper ·vt To fit together; to Adjust; to Accomodate.
X. Temper ·vi To Accord; to Agree; to act and think in conformity.
XI. Temper ·vt To moisten to a proper consistency and stir thoroughly, as clay for making brick, loam for molding, ·etc.
XII. Temper ·noun Constitution of body; temperament; in old writers, the mixture or relative proportion of the four humors, blood, choler, phlegm, and melancholy.
XIII. Temper ·noun The state of a metal or other substance, especially as to its hardness, produced by some process of heating or cooling; as, the temper of iron or steel.
XIV. Temper ·noun Disposition of mind; the constitution of the mind, particularly with regard to the passions and affections; as, a calm temper; a hasty temper; a fretful temper.
XV. Temper ·noun The state of any compound substance which results from the mixture of various ingredients; due mixture of different qualities; just combination; as, the temper of mortar.
XVI. Temper ·vt To mingle in due proportion; to prepare by combining; to modify, as by adding some new element; to qualify, as by an ingredient; hence, to soften; to Mollify; to Assuage; to Soothe; to Calm.
I. v. a.
Modify, qualify, mix in due proportion.
Soften, mollify, assuage, soothe, calm, moderate, restrain, pacify, attemper, appease.
Adapt, fit, suit, adjust, accommodate.
Bring to the right degree of hardness (as iron, by sudden cooling).
II. n.
Due mixture, just combination.
Constitution, temperament, nature, organization.
Disposition, humor, frame, mood, grain.
Calmness, moderation, equanimity, composure, tranquillity.
Degree of hardness.
(Colloq.) Anger, passion, irritation, heat of mind.
¦ noun
1. a person's state of mind in terms of their being angry or calm.
2. a tendency to become angry easily.
an angry state of mind.
3. the degree of hardness and elasticity of steel or another metal.
¦ verb
1. improve the temper of (a metal) by reheating and then cooling it.
improve the consistency or resiliency of (a substance) by heating it or adding particular substances to it.
2. serve as a neutralizing or counterbalancing force to: their idealism is tempered with realism.
3. tune (a piano or other instrument) so as to adjust the note intervals correctly.
keep (or lose) one's temper retain (or fail to retain) composure or restraint when angry.
temperer noun
OE temprian 'bring into the required condition by mixing', from L. temperare 'mingle, restrain'; the noun orig. denoted a proportionate mixture of elements, also the combination of the four bodily humours, formerly believed to be the basis of temperament.



Temper, tempered or tempering may refer to:

أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Working on a BBC self–help show called Temper Your Temper.
2. These relationships help temper the immigration debate.
3. Temper tantrum: Last year she completed five days community service for attacking her maid Miss Campbell has a long history of temper tantrums and of attacking her staff.
4. She now says that Lester‘s temper sometimes erupted into violence.
5. Harris‘s temper and caustic tongue were to become legendary.